Friday, December 13, 2013

Red beans salad - bean sprouts - mandarin zest

Low calorie and very nutritious
All ingredients have a  glycemic index lower than 65 and nutritional benefits recognized in the prevention of cancer,
diabetes and cardio vascular and bones diseases 

Very easy and quick to make
A chinese salad jar, a red bean can, mandarin juice vinaigrette, mandarin zest and that's it!

The originality is based on the  mandarin juice vinaigrette and the mandarin zests 
(of course it must be organic mandarin).

Ingredients :
Ingrédient Glycemic Index

bean sprouts   25
cabbage 15
baby corn cobs 65
Carots 20
bamboo shoots 20
Black mushrooms 15
Red beans 27

organic mandarin zests 30
mandarin juice 30
Olive oil 0
Rice vinager 5

Total time: 15 min.
(If you buy the red beans can and don't have to cook them of course)
1. Make a vinaigrette with the juice of half a mandarin, rice vinager and olive oil

2. mince the mandarin peel into zests

3. Mix the chinese salad the red beans, pour the vinaigrette and add the mandarin zests

How to cook red beans:
soak dried beans the day before

Boil them two or three hours.

Add an organic broth cube to the boiling water to improve the taste of the beans.
The health benefits:
Red beans

Studies have linked regular consumption of legumes various benefits such as better control on  diabète1, and a decreased risk of  cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. Moreover, Canada's Food Guide recommends eating legumes instead of meat on a regular basis.
  • high in antioxidants to prevent  cardiovascular disease, some cancers and aging.
  • Proteins
    Legumes are part of plant foods that contain the more protein. Unlike animal protein, legumes are generally low in methionine (an essential amino acid in the body), which makes their proteins incomplete. However, it is possible for people who eat little or no animal protein to combine legumes with grains or nuts. We then obtain a complete protein (containing all essential amino acids). In adults, it is not necessary to seek complementarity in the same meal, because obtaining them the same day is usually sufficient. By cons, in children, adolescents and pregnant women, it is preferable to achieve complementary proteins at the same meal.

source : site PasseportSanté.net

Bean sprouts

Such as red bean, mung bean is a legume. Rich as the red bean in antioxidants, a good source of protein and with the same precautions for a vegan diet.
  • The starch of mung could help to improve the profile of carbohydrates and blood fat in healthy individuals. It is assumed that the mung starch could provide the same benefits to people with diabetes. Controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm this.

source : site PasseportSanté.net


  • Vitamin C could play a role in blocking the formation of  carcinogenic compounds.
  • Limonin and nomiline (limonoids), antioxidant compounds in citrus which showed anticancer effect in vitro or in animal models. They may  reduce the proliferation of breast cancer cells, stomach, lung, mouth, and colon.
  • Limonin (limonoids) which has the property of reducing blood  cholesterol in animals.
  • Nobiletin (flavonoids) preventing the proliferation of cancer cells in vitro, an effect that might be interesting as potential  anticancer agent in humans.
  • Hesperetin (flavonoids) regulating blood lipids and thus improving  vascular health.
  • Beta-cryptoxanthin (carotenoid) improving bone health and having antioxidant properties, that is to say they are capable of neutralizing free radicals in the body. The consumption of foods rich in carotenoids is linked to a lower risk of suffering from several diseases, eg, cancer and cardiovascular disease, (although some studies on the subject are controversial).
    Consumption of mandarins (including carrots, a vegetable known for its high carotenoid content) could also influence the repair of DNA damaged by oxidative stress, a mechanism to help decrease cancer.
    Studies have shown that the higher the intake of beta-cryptoxanthin was, the lower is the risk of suffering from inflammatory disease (eg rheumatoid arthritis) or lung cancer. Mandarin juice rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, taken with a supplement of carotenoids reduce the risk of  liver cancer .
    It seems that the combination of different carotenoids, such as those found in mandarins and clementines, is more effective in reducing the risk of cancer as a single carotenoid intake. Citrus fruits also contain appreciable amounts of other carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein, beta and alpha-carotene.

tsource : site PasseportSanté.ne